I think we skipped April! Never mind. Here is the wrap up of what is happening over at resume central this month. I recently had the great pleasure of heading to Rockhampton to run some redundancy workshops. I had a brilliant time up there!
In other news, I was nominated for a Small Business Award and the winners are being announced in three days so that's also super exciting!
I also also interviewed for the Rural Entrepreneur Magazine. You can read about it here:
What I'm Reading: I've read so MANY books in the last month. I just finished The Slap by Christos Tsiolkas. It was a good read. Quite interesting. A word of fiction about a an adult who slapped a child that was not his own at a NNQ told from multiple perspectives. It didn't so much focus on the slap itself - more the secret lives of everyone present.
What I'm Watching: Sweettooth Season Two. My kids love this show and honestly, its's pretty good for adults as well. Sure beats the days when the only show my kids would watch was Paw Patrol!
What I'm Listening To: Does anyone remember that song, Scandalous from Misteq? It's still just as addicitive!
Photo of the Month:
I took off for holidays over Easter and visited Rottnest Island over near Perth. I LOVED IT SO MUCH. I could have spent a lot more time here.
Current Prices:
Resume $199
Resume and Cover Letter $249
Selection Criteria: $119 for one page or $199 for two pages.
That's a wrap for May but before I touch off - I'd love for you to join me over at Facebook. You can follow me here.