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  • Kathryn Bailey

How To Choose The Right Employment Consultant For You

Updated: Oct 28, 2022

You have three options, basically depending on if you are getting financial support from the government or not. So what is the difference? Read on to find out.

Government Job Search Providers

These guys cost nothing to you and will provide you with free resume support and match you with viable employers. This is the best option for you if you are on some form of government payment or welfare or have significant barriers to overcome: Homelessness, drug dependence, recent health issues, domestic violence, jail time.

Recruitment Consultants Paid By the Employer

These guys are paid by the employer to get the best possible match for the job. Sure, if you are their perfect match they will also help you into a job but their focus is the employer – not you. Again, don’t take this personally, it’s just business. Recruitment Consultants are kind of like matchmakers but for work.  One thing to keep in mind is that Recruitment Consultants love people who look good on paper (have heaps of qualifications). I’ve lost count of the amount of people who would be perfect for a job because they have the experience but have missed out to people with less experience but more qualifications. For example: I had a client that wanted to work in Banking. He had no finance qualifications but plenty of cash handling and customer service and more to the point he was super passionate about getting a job in banking. He contacted the branch he wanted to work at and was told they were hiring and to apply through a certain recruitment company. The recruitment company wasn’t interested in him because he didn’t have a finance degree. I encouraged him to write to the Manager of the Branch directly instead and guess who got to kick start his banking career? A recruitment company is best suited to you if:

  1. You look really good on paper

  2. You have direct experience in the role you want to apply for

  3. You have university qualifications to back up your experience

Employment Consultants That Work For You

This is me. First up I cannot charge you to get you a job.  By that I mean, I can’t find you a job and then ask you to pay me to put your forward for it or to get you into it.  That’s not how freelance Employment Consultant’s roll. Our services are designed to help you learn the necessary skills to gain the employment you want. For example I offer a resume service, an interview service, career coaching and advice and individualised job search plans. All these services are designed to get you into work but I don’t actually over match making between you and the employer. An independent Employment Consultant is best for you if:

  1. You need help finding a job

  2. You want to interview well

  3. You need to revamp your resume

  4. You are not sure of your next career move

  5. You need a job search plan to follow and implement

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