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Approval to teach K-6 and the proven ability to teach multi-grade, multi-age classes (Teacher Application)
I confirm that I have the required approval to teach K-6 in the Public School System as evidenced by experience in NSW coastal, rural and local schools. My approval number with the New South Wales Teaching Association is 123456. I completed a Bachelor of Teaching Degree through Toowoomba University in 1998 and a Bachelor of Education Degree through Miller Teachers College in 1993.
With regards to my ability to teach multi-grade and multi-age classes, my career experience includes both Australian and international teaching experience. Most recently, I have been employed by Kingsthorpe and Muppet Heights on a casual basis where I have taught multi-grade, multi-age classes, with a specific focus on year levels 6 and 7 during the last term. Prior to this I worked at South West Public School as a Classroom Teacher for composite Kindergarten and Year One students and as a Behavioural Teacher working with K-6 students in a RFF capacity which included the writing and implementation of Mathematics, English and Art programs.
In 2009 and 2010, I worked at Samsung Public School as a classroom teacher for a composite one and two classroom, while also working as a STLA Teacher, teaching literacy and numeracy to ESOL students across K-6. During my career, I have also taught music to 52 students aged between five and eleven, worked as a registered teacher in New Zealand and provided relief teaching duties across the board from K-6. I am able to target learning needs based on the individual classroom dynamics and take an ‘adaptive’ approach to promote equity and excellence within my teaching. Regardless of the age or year level I teach, I ensure that students are at the centre of my teaching and that all learning is purpose driven and stimulating.
Capacity for effective management to achieve agreed curriculum goals (Teacher Application)
I have the capacity to effectively manage and achieve agreed curriculum goals. For example, with the National Curriculum roll out I had a 10 month timeframe in which to ensure that students were meeting their curriculum goals on a national level. Prior to the 10 month bench mark, I was required to monitor the students’ progress through cluster moderation with other schools in the region. In order to do this, I assessed my students at the start of the roll out to find out what they already knew and what they needed to learn in order to meet the National Curriculum standards and based the students learning around these needs. I was also responsible for researching and implementing a professional development program called “Words Are The Way” in order to get our students up to the standard required for literacy and spelling. The implementation of this program was a terrific success with all but one of my 28 students receiving 100% in the resulting competition. As a result of this success, other teachers sat in and observed my lessons in order to improve their own understanding and implementation of the program. This success demonstrated that I will be able to bring the same passion and commitment to the curriculum goals of Thargomindah State School but on a larger level.
Demonstrated skills and teaching experience proving quality education in literacy and numeracy
(Teacher Application)
I believe that both literacy and numeracy are the cornerstone of all education. I have completed professional development in both areas to further my existing ability. I have completed training in BRIDGET, Count Me in Too, Targeting Maths, Thinking Tools, Focus on Reading and THRASS. I follow the NSW Quality Teaching and Learning Pedagogy when planning teaching and learning activities and I have a solid background of preparing lessons that provide the best opportunities for each individual. I’ve used Best Start, L3 and Focus on Reading to encourage student development and to create positive relationships within the classroom.
I promote a high standard of participation through encouraging open-ended learning experiences and I create an experience that considers Higher Order Thinking Skills, Blooms Taxonomy and Thinkers Keys. I also use appropriate resources and classroom displays to reflect a tactile learning experience with sound principles and use a ‘whole community’ approach to learning by creating strong relationships with parents and the school community. I have previously taught Literacy (L3) and Numeracy (DENS, TOWN) in small groups, individually and throughout the classroom to cater to all student needs. I’ve also successfully programmed thought provoking content with an emphasis on KLA outcomes and indicators.
Most recently, I have completed training on the new Numeracy and Literacy initiatives to be implemented in 2016, such as using real world application for maths, setting challenges appropriate to the student’s level, and the introduction of three new strands to mathematics. It also includes teaching reading and writing together, exploring the cultural connection of text, deconstruction and reconstruction of text and the importance of responding and composing in language literacy.
PS: Do you need to write your own criteria? Check out our DIY selection criteria package for just $49 and get your next criteria ready in 20 minutes or less. It's a three step process to write your next government application. See below for more details.